Kertas Kerja Gotong-royong

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Kertas Kerja Program Gotong Royong Laporan Program Gotong Royong Brosur. Posted by Cikgu Nurul at 21:01. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook.

  1. Kertas Kerja Gotong Royong Bersih Masjid
  2. Karangan Gotong Royong
  3. Kertas Kerja Gotong Royong Masjid
Gotong royong adalah


Recount Gotong-royong Activity


Kertas Kerja Gotong Royong Bersih Masjid

The picture below shows a gotong-royong activity that your school recently organised. Based on the picture, write a recount of the event.

Karangan Gotong Royong


Kertas Kerja Gotong Royong Masjid

Last week, my school organised a gotong-royong in conjunction with Cleanliness and Health Week. All the classes had to clean and decorate their own classrooms and also help clean up the school compound.My classmates and I came up with a roster and delegated tasks to everyone. We wiped the windows and scrub the floors. Broken chairs and tables were replaced and fresh flowers were put in the classroom to brighten up the atmosphere. Later in the afternoon, we and the rest of the school went around the school compound to collect rubbish. The school pond was cleaned and the dustbins in the canteen area were cleared as well.Everyone was very happy to be able to beautify the school. Although everyone was tired, the effort was well worth it and we made a pledge to have a gotong-royong every month to keep our school clean.