Joshua A Parable For Today Summary 5,0/5 6020 reviews
But thanks to all those who chipped in with their input. Well I've been listening to this set regularly for the last week or so, and I'm definitely glad I went ahead and got it. Anyway, I'm going to listen some more. Charlie parker complete savoy dial master takes rar. There's something about having all these performances together that just makes Parker--as well as some of the other players on the set, from Miles and Dizzy to Howard McGhee and Curly Russell, to name a few--stand out. Keep boppin´ marcel •.
- Joshua A Parable For Today Book Summary
- A Parable Example
Tells the story of Joshua, the simple, hardworking man who does beautiful carpentry and has an extraordinary effect on everyone he meets, transforming them with warmth and love. Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Hidden and dangerous 2 sabre squadron download full version.
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Nice Story For Believers & Unbelievers
ccthemovieman-116 April 2006
Now here is an honest-to-goodness Christian movie, based on the best-selling book in the mid '90s by Fr. Joseph Girzone. This parable, I would think, would be a lot more effective evangelizing film than The Passion Of The Christ, only because this is so much more pleasant to watch. But it is no watered-down version, either. While Mel Gibson's film shows Christ's love in the incredibly- painful sacrifice he made, this movie shows the nature of His love in ordinary, everyday life with ordinary people.
This is a not a Second Coming story, rather just what Jesus might be like if he re-appeared and mingled with human beings today, in this case in a small southern town in the United States.
Here, 'Joshua' (Tony Goldwyn) is pictured helping a diverse group of townspeople, ministering to them individually and helping them to come together as a community. He isn't arrogant or pushy about it; he just leads by example. A sub-plot involves his influence with two local priests: an older skeptical pharisee-like cleric (F. Murray Abraham) and his younger and personable assistant (Kurt Fuller).
It's nicely done, with good production values and some solid acting. It's not too heavy-handed for the unbelievers while at the same inspiring to believers. As one of the latter, this movie just made me feel good all the way through. This kind of movie isn't just's downright rare.
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Shows How Jesus Would Be Like Today..
The purpose of the film is clear: portray what Jesus would be like if he was doing his ministry today. How Joshua treated the people around him, how he lived his life, the miracles, how he spoke to blasphemers, his enemies, and everything, it was a great portrait of what we know and imagine Jesus to be like.
The film crossed all of the denominational boundaries - reaching to evangelists, revivalists, Catholics, and others - with the message of God's love. And the film did a great job of using Tony to portray what Jesus' love would be like today.
What you can take away from this film is a glimpse of what a Christian should be and should portray. As a Christian, your goal is to be more Christ-like. One of Christ's main teachings was love and he demonstrated that in his ministry. This movie gives you a glimpse of one of what an outward appearance, evidence, of a Christian should be. I mean, doesn't make sense that a Christian should be nice, friendly, loving, helpful, and show humility?
I think the movie did a great job showing that. As for the miracles of the movie - they were similar to stuff from the gospels. Take that with a grain of salt. This movie isn't about the second coming of Jesus or retelling the Jesus story. It's a fantasical conjecture to the question of 'what if Jesus came to earth again to reiterate His message and work? what would that be like?'
This movie isn't supposed to be deep or evoke something like the Passion. This movie is supposed to make you stop and evaluate, take stock of yourself - to invoke in your heart. If the movie stirred your heart, then you should seek to find out more about this Jesus.
As for the music - according to the first commenter who is clearly not a believer - the music is secondary. The movie featured Third Day, a pretty well-known CCM music band. The music served its purpose.
Whoever the first commenter was, he/she missed the point of the movie entirely. He/she might not even be a believer, or is a believer who is so caught up with him/herself that he/she has no idea what he/she is talking about. The first commenter used the word blaspheme - stop using such big words, you're giving yourself a headache!
Don't miss this film. Let the message speak to your heart.
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excellent film
dvapr4 October 2003
i saw this film on cable today - a lazy saturday afternoon. and to my surprise, it really touched me. tony goldwyn was absolutely perfect and wonderful, as was f. murray abraham (as always) and kurt fuller (great part for him). the film spoke to me, relaying some things that i really needed to hear at this time. a great film for adults who need to take a minute and reaccess. and good for teens, kids, families to see together i would think. for me, this picture was like a little spiritual meditation wrapped in a family friendly package. it was the last thing i wanted/expected to find while channelsurfing. but i'm sure glad i did. thank you.
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Fantastic..A 'Must' see
vcurtis16 March 2004
I found this film by accident. It is a wonderful find. I've watched it several times already and each time I see something different. It is an almost contemporary life of Christ parallel. You can show it to your kids, no bad language, no nudity, no sex, no violence just a wonderful, wonderful story with some surprises..and a nice twist at the end. Joshua is a very unusual person and a simple woodcarver. You will enjoy watching him and the interaction with the town. Please do watch him and listen to him closely and to the people around him. It is an experience not to be missed.
Do yourself a favor..see it. Watch it with friends and family..
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It's all about love
mattedesa24 May 2004
It's not about what church you go to, it's not about doing good or
doing bad, it's not about who likes you or how 'important' you are.
It's all about love. We love others because God first loved us.
That's the message this movie portrays as Joshua comes in this
completely hypothetical portrayal of Christ coming to modern,
small town America. He reminds the townspeople in plain, simple
ways what it means to truly care for people. It's not trying to be a
prophetic second coming film, only a fictional story designed to
prove a point.
Maybe the film's a little idealistic, maybe it's a little corny in a
couple places. Who cares? I felt better after watching this movie
than I have after any movie in a while. It's a nice change from the
normal film of today's market which glorifies hatred and revenge.
8 of 10
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![Joshua a parable for today Joshua a parable for today](
A Rare Wholesome, Family Movie.
Sans four letter words and violence, this movie is enjoyable family entertainment. Its message is not only 'Christian' in nature, but also reflects back to those times in the first half of the twentieth century when we were able to walk the streets in safety, never lock our doors, and actually know our next door neighbor and the entire neighborhood for that matter. While it is predictable, the movie still holds one's interest from beginning to end. Don't look for the technical flubs or the adaptation of Joseph Girzone's book, and don't scoff at the ecumenicism, because the movie stands on its own. It is only based on the book and was scripted well. Just enjoy the sense of community and love. Tony Goldwyn is commendable in the role of Joshua and Academy Award Winner F Murray Abraham is notable as the skeptical and fear driven parish priest. The characters forming the community of Auburn display those neighborly times spoken of earlier in this review. Academy Award Nominee Giancarlo Giannini as the Pope is warm and genuine even in his short appearance on the screen. So, get the kids, mom and dad and grandma and grandpa (and the neighbors) into the living room and enjoy this movie together.
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The film 'Joshua' was a pure delight.
It was such a refreshing change from the junk that is on the screen today. To see a movie with no swearing or sex was a refreshing change.
I loved the movie as did my husband. It made me cry for joy.
There was a beautiful message to this movie of hope and love.
The first time I had seen it I was at first a bit perplexed as to who Joshua really was. It didn't take long for me to figure it out, and when I did I cried with absolute joy.
What a treasure this movie is and one that I recommend everyone to see.
Joanne Lewis
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Captivating family movie
![For For](
This isn't a movie about the end of the world or the second coming. There is no violence and minimal character development. Yet, this film is captivating. What if Jesus were to come back as a human being? Would he be recognized? Would he be more easily accepted? Or would the same prejudices and arrogance lead to his rejection?
That's the premise behind this movie and the novel by Joseph Girzone. It's not as good as the book (no real confrontation with the Vatican in the film), but is still a film that touches me. I find myself watching it time and again just because it's special and I can't quite put my finger on why.
So watch it and decide for yourself.
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Much better than I expected
Mercury-428 February 2003
I usually don't like religious movies, I find them heavy-handed, preachy, and fairly poorly done in general. I thought this one was excellently done though, the insights of the Joshua character struck me as genuinely meaningful and profound. Other than a few embarrassing stereotypes I thought the writing was good and most of the acting. Very nice work by F Murray Abraham and very convincing work by the Joshua actor.
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Awesome movie!
kenday113 August 2003
This is on the top of the list of my favorite Christian films! It is so amazing to watch Tony Goldwyn in this role compared to his role in 'Ghost'!
This is a wonderful movie that the whole family can watch and learn from, whether you are Christian or Non-Christian.
Contrary to some of the comments including the plot line; I never thought that this movie was about Christ's return when I was watching it. But how it might be if Jesus came back secretly to visit and show us how to live an love. Great acting,Tony! 10/10
Just a thought: The Bible says for us to not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Beautiful movie
EighthSense27 April 2006
Warning: SpoilersThis was a beautiful movie-period. Apart from all the wonderful comments other people have written about it, it pointed out subtly that we CAN react to people who attack us in a positive, non-defensive way, while telling the truth at the same time.
I thought this was very useful for us today, because we are bombarded by the media with all the things we 'must' do to keep ourselves safe, be it safe economically, politically, physically, educationally,emotionally, etc.
This bombardment of course is not just for our own good-it is meant to sell us all kinds of things and services to 'keep us safe'. It sets us up to always be on the lookout, on the defensive, as if the world is strictly a dangerous place. It is dangerous often, but if all we do is protect ourselves from it, we miss all the chances for happiness this world also offers. This movie clearly shows what a Christian is supposed to be like-a sure, confident person, unafraid to love and help others.
There is only one thing that spoiled the enjoyment for me-the very loud music. This loudness is common in many modern films, and forces people who watch movies at home to change volume all the time, as if music is not anymore an integral 'component' of the movie, but mainly meant to sell itself. Needless to say I don't buy any film music whose volume is too high because it connects with that annoyance..
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Excellent, high quality Christian movie
rod-14214 April 2006
A wonderful family movie that captures the essential message of the Christian faith - loving God and loving people. It was so refreshing to be able to watch a film that was not only free of bad language and sexual innuendo, but one that maintained a captivating storyline. It brings a bright and clear story of a small community grasping to understand themselves, each other and what they really value in life.
The characters portrayed show the vulnerability that we all have, the fragility of our relationships and the deep need we have to feel loved. It is a film that quietly explores the question of religious zeal and sacrificial faith. A entertaining and provoking movie which raises vital questions about our own lives.
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Joshua, was a grand movie
crowleymw6 July 2005
I was amazed by the movie. The goodness, love and charity of Joshua, should stand as an example, on how we should live our lives. The older priest, was a good example of how we can be 'informed', without truly seeing. The younger priest, was also a piece of us all. He just needed confidence. The scene with 'Third Day', Joshua said to the younger priest, 'One man's concert, is another man's church', cool. One of the final scenes, where the older priest is shown who Joshua really is, heart-rending. Gives hope. The hope of forgiveness.
I saw that movie once, wanted to buy it. Could not find a copy of it. Finally, for this past Christmas, got it from the Mrs. Treasured, is a good word for it.
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Sweet G-Rated Gem
harry-m1 July 2005
Warning: SpoilersThis story is about a 'woodcarver' (carpenter)named Joshua who shows up in an Anytown, USA and by his example helps turn the town into a real community concerned with the welfare of everyone else. It may be helpful to know that 'Jesus' is the Greek form of 'Joshua.' This is not a story of the 'Second Coming,' but a story of what a decent person can do for a town when he leads by example and hard work. Joshua leads in the rebuilding of a Baptist Church, he befriends a confused Roman Catholic priest, he helps in the new musically oriented church, 'Lost and Found,' he helps restore the bad marriage of his landlords and he helps put back whole the broken life of a woman named 'Maggie' (Mary Magdelene). Along the way he performs a miracle or two when he has to. All this pleases everyone in the town except the head priest of the Roman Catholic church, who feels Joshua is a false prophet and fraud and is really a threat to the town. He uses his influence to have Joshua 'invited' to the Vatican to be questioned. Joshua goes and when he is questioned about his identity he replies with the best line in the movie: 'I am what I am.' (Compare this to what God says to Moses at the burning bush when Moses asks His name.) I will not go into his talk with the pope, other than to say you'll enjoy it. The movie is enhanced by its original music, as well as some classics. Tony Goldwyn as Joshua plays the role with tremendous understatement and is near-perfect; Kurt Fuller is wonderful as the confused fisherman-priest (Peter); F. Murray Abraham gives another of his usual great performances as the misguided priest; and Stacy Edwards is excellent as Maggie. This movie is a G-Rated feel-good gem which the whole family can watch and enjoy regardless of their religion. The weighted average of 6.1 hardly reflects how good the movie is or the the most common vote of 10, the mean of 7.4, or the median of 8. Nor is it an accurate reflection of the User Comments. The movie is a 9 out of 10.
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There are a few holes in this movie, both theologically and cinematically, but I must say I was touched by it. For a moment I felt Christ's love for us. And while we cannot forget that His love is also a part of His holiness, it was nice to get a brief glimpse of that perfect love. Kudos also to Michael W. Smith, who took on the task of writing a decent score for the film. Fans of the Christian group Third Day will also be pleased to see a nice cameo as well. And on the DVD there's a nice documentary that exhibits the filmmakers' desires to share God's love with the viewer. And if you enjoyed the movie, there's a whole series of Joshua books out there to continue the exploration of 'what if Jesus came as the Joshua character'..
This isn't a great film, but I did go to bed last night feeling grateful to be a Christian, and grateful to feel His love for me in a simple movie.
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Why label?
TxDeadhead12 October 2003
Well, I'm very glad that I didn't look at the IMDB entry before I made the decision whether or not I should watch it. I wouldn't have watched it. The movie was nice for a lazy Sunday morning. The message was uplifting and should be to any viewer, regardless of his/her religious affiliation. A stranger comes into town and turns it upside down by being helpful, polite, friendly and courteous. He teaches various characters lessons that are appropriate to the listener. And he seems to have some sort of otherworldly power. The message, that the community would be a much better place if people would drop their prejudices, stop being so selfish, and help one another, is one that all people, regardless of religion, color, nationality, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or whatever difference one may chose to emphasize.
To bring myself to my point, I'm a non-Christian, and I felt this movie was entertaining, educational, uplifting, and had some valuable things to say. It would be really too bad if the fact that it has been labeled a 'Christian' movie, caused non-Christians to ignore it, or dismiss the lessons taught as Christian propaganda. I, for one, am glad I took the time to watch it, but not because of the 'Christian' message, but because of the message of love. If it hadn't been for the comments made here, I would not have considered it a Christian move, but a movie about Good.
So, for you non-Christians out there, Don't ignore this movie. It's got a great message. There are other explanations for the things that happen in this movie, but the core message, that of community and love, is important for all.
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Good family movie!
sbsocha13 April 2003
Enjoyable film that caused me to think about how I treat others. Our entire family enjoyed watching and discussing the movie. I recommend it to all. It is rare that movies are made that cause us to examine our faith and then challenges us to go out and live out our faith in our neighborhoods. We need more movies like this!
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really good, really simple
jsoc4210 January 2003
If you look at this movie purely as religious, you will either give it a 1 or a 10, which, you can't do. The movie sets out to send a message, and that's exactly what it does. Does a movie have to be complicated? Do we have to be surprised? In fact, I found it quite refreshing when I weigh it against what I learned being brought up Catholic. Instead of, 'be good or burn, God only likes perfect people, be afraid, be very afraid', we are told, 'God made you, so he loves you, end of story', which, if I was forced to choose between the two beliefs, I'd much sooner pick the latter than the former. This movie is so simple, that it's a breath of fresh air, as opposed to all the movies that try so hard to confuse the audience that they make no sense at all, so people call them genius to cover up the fact that they don't understand it. So of course, a movie that everyone can understand will immediately be trashed by the 'intellectual community', or those that want to seem like the intellectual community. And people will also point out, 'hey, Jesus can't come back, cuz that means the world's gotta end, so, haha, I got ya there, I bet you never thought of that!' Well, I'm positive the author of the books thought of that, since he was a Catholic priest and all, but that's beside the point. It wasn't really a second coming, because he never announces his presence really. It's more like he's visiting relatives or old friends. So, this movie was very well done, despite what some say, and I'm not too proud to say that the message was not only easy to understand, but it also made some actual sense.
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If only ..
A movie I have enjoyed watching several times, but for me, it perhaps has the opposite effect to that intended.
I'm not really a Christian - in religious terms, not really anything you could put a lable upon. I have no doubt that 'God' exists in some form or other, but not necessarily as the infinitely powerful, caring and loving identity that many Christian faiths portray.
If this were the case, surely it would be so easy for 'Him' to plant seeds of love all around the world by sending 'Joshuas' into every community? The fact that it only happens in a movie tells a story.
That said, it is a wonderful, uplifting story for people sickened by the ever increasing lying, cheating, greed and violence we expeience in our daily lives. For me, the character of Joshua embodies the true meaning of love, and I could not help loving him in turn.
Watch this film for a refreshing change from sex and violence.
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Not about the 'Second Coming'
Contrary to the suggested plot line on the IMDb main page about this film, it is not supposed to be a story of the second coming. It is not intended to suggest that this is the way it might be..The book on which the film is based is by Joseph F. Girzone and its complete title is 'Joshua - a parable for today'..Parables are not true stories. They are intended to make a point using ideas we are familiar with so that we can relate to them. This book (and thus the film) is simply a 'What if'. What if Jesus joined us here on Earth today? What might happen? What sorts of things might he do in our modern times? How might people react? Girzone's intention was not to suggest that this is what will happen when Jesus makes his second appearance. It is a fiction piece and nothing more. It should be enjoyed as such.
Folks who have not read the Joshua books might find that they are much better than this film. I enjoyed the film, but it is not a good representation of the book.
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Refreshing, realistic portraial
campmel1 April 2003
My husband and I were very skeptical (O.K., cynical really) about this film because of all the lame 'Christian' films we have seen in the past. What a pleasant surprise to find a film that was a realistic portrayal of our Lord, that was not preachy and so schmaltzy that you couldn't sit through it. This movie did not suck, but offered a contemporary view of what it might be like if Christ stopped in for an extended it would positively impact the community and the life of each person in it. Tony Goldwyn gave a face to Christ that believers who truly know him can relate to. F. Murray Abraham gave persona to the prejudice of the 'traditional' church, with all the fear and ignorance that repells so many thinking people. The whole cast did a great job of not over-acting. And the soundtrack was not bad either. I can't comment on how it would impact someone who doesn't know the Lord, but as a believer, I found it to be an excellent way to spend a couple of hours.
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What a great movie!
salonichj11 January 2003
The entire family can sit down and watch this movie without any fear of inappropriate content. This is truly a great movie watching experience. I'd recommend it to anyone, churched or unchurched. This really makes you ask what if..
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Watch it with your heart!
dbhnsn17 October 2003
As stated in the DVD behind-the-scenes information, 'Joshua' was never meant to depict the first coming nor the second coming of Christ. Rather it's a between-the-comings, 'what if' scenario. How many of us have entertained angels unawares? Or worse yet, treated them worse than we would our own friends? I was very moved by the possibility that Jesus could be represented by someone just like Joshua, a 'supremely human' being. If that thought doesn't make you think twice about the people around you and the eternal consequences of your thoughts and actions, nothing will. God bless you!
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Very inspiring film
tanamary7 October 2003
I rented it on a whim. I was actually more intrigued because F. Murray Abraham was in it. But I must admit, Tony Goldwyn did a wonderful job. This was not the usual preachy religious film. Goldwyn did a great job of playing an innocuous stranger that draws people in with his sense of community and kindness. I think it had much more impact than using a 'Jesus type' for the part. And F. Murray Abraham was his usual splendid self as the stanch priest. I've already recommended it to several friends. I really enjoyed it and will watch it again.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this film,It carries a message of love and hope.
It's the story of a simple carpenter and his unconditional love for all people no matter their race, colour or creed.
It was well acted by good actors and when F Murray Abraham said 'Oh my Lord', a shiver went up my spine as it did when Joshua said 'Peter, do you not know me?' to the Pope.
A nice wholesome film for christians and non-christians alike.
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Joshua A Parable For Today Book Summary
God Commissions Joshua To Be Awesome
A Parable Example
- As the Book of Joshua opens, Moses is dead and God gets it in His mind that the Israelites need a new leader.
- Enter: Joshua, son of Nun.
- For clarification, when we say Nun, we mean Joshua's father, not a lady in a headpiece. Or, for that matter, without a headpiece. Capisce?
- Joshua's first duty is to have the Israelites cross the River Jordan.
- It is unclear if Joshua wonders why they have to do this, but God clarifies anyway by saying that 'every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, as I promised to Moses. From the wilderness and the Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, to the Great Sea in the west shall be your territory' (1:1-4). Oh, okay. Thanks, God.
- Now that Joshua has his mission, he's ready to begin. Or his he? Apparently, God isn't done talking. He seems to want to be sure Joshua knows He's got his back (1:5-7). Let's just say God might be a little wordy, too. We guess when you're an omnipotent being and you control all time and space, though, there's really no reason not to take up a few extra seconds.
- Now that Joshua is assured, he's ready to hit the road.
- Except he doesn't.
- Joshua goes through the camp commanding the people to pack up because in three days it's gonna be river crossing time.
- Remember three things: (1) the number three is important in the Bible, (2) the Israelites are nomads so they have very little possessions to get ready, and (3) there is no number three. We're just emphasizing that the number three is important. See number one for clarification.
- After Joshua is done telling everyone what to do, the people of Israel decide to say in perfect unison (as is the biblical way), 'Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you. Only may The Lord your God be with you, as he was with Moses' (1:17).
- That quote right there is irony, ladies and gentleman. If you remember from Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Israelites were notoriously bad at following Moses's directions. To be fair, Moses was pretty bad at following his own directions too, though.
- The Israelites finish their speech to Joshua by saying 'Only be strong and courageous' (1:18).
- This phrase comes up a lot in the first chapter of Joshua. We think it's safe to bet that 'strong and courageous' might be a central theme of this story.
- Remember, the Israelites at this point in their history are a warrior nation, and warriors pride themselves on being strong and courageous.