Krypton Toolkit

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Krypton Toolkit

Krypton Suite

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Adding a professional veneer to your application can be the most time-consuming part of your development effort. You want the polish of Office 2003, but without the three-month schedule that goes with it. Krypton Toolkit, written by Phil Wright of Component Factory Pty Ltd., can help.

A global palette is used to determine the default appearance of all the Krypton controls, so changing the entire look and feel of your application is as simple as switching the global palette in one line of code. Individual controls can override the palette settings, giving you complete control over presentation. When you combine these two features, you really do get the best of both worlds: ease of use and deep customizability.

Krypton Winform


To help you get started, the library comes with full help documentation, including step-by-step tutorials for creating applications and C# source code for all samples. Additional resources are available online, with a forum for asking questions and a blog for tracking development progress.

Krypton Toolkit at a Glance


Krypton Toolkit

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Power Tools page


Create applications with the look and feel of Office 2003. Designed to combine deep customization with ease of use.

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Online resources

Full documentation, ...

Find freelance Krypton Toolkit specialists for hire, and outsource your project. 2 freelancers are available. 1,829 total downloads; last updated 3/22/2012; Latest version: 2.0.0; Krypton. It makes use of and relies on Component Factory's excellent Krypton Toolkit.